Top Reasons You Should Use a Charcoal BBQ

Top Reasons You Should Use a Charcoal BBQ

The weather is fine. The sun has come out to play, and so have you. You are standing before a barbeque stove in your apron, working magic. A choice cut of steak sizzles away, and a tempting aroma wafts all around, making many tummies rumble in assent. It can’t get better than this unless you are already using charcoal in your grill.

Charcoal is the most popular fuel for barbequing, and a good reason too, as we shall see.

Reasons you should Charcoal in your next BBQ

  1. Charcoal’s most incredible charm is in the smokey taste and flavour it infuses in the food. Many barbeque enthusiasts prefer charcoal over any other fuel for this very reason. The reason for this effect is that as the meat grills, juices drip into the charcoal and burn, releasing an enhanced aroma and taste into the food. Coupled with the fact that you can have your choice of charcoal or wood. This choice increases the range of flavours you can have in your food.
  2. Charcoal gives you greater control over the cooking process. The nature of the fire is that it burns unevenly. When food cooks too fast, it can be transferred to a cooler spot on the grill. You can control this haphazard heat yourself by regulating the amount of oxygen the coal gets. Just remember that oxygen makes the coal burn faster and hotter. Many cooks begin by grilling the food over a scorching fire to seal in most nutrients and juices. After that, it can be transferred to a more temperate part of the grill to cook slower.
  3. The charcoal barbeque offers the true test of skill. You cannot consider yourself a master barbeque chef until you can skilfully use a charcoal grill. Charcoal barbequing teaches you control and forces you to be engaged with your cooking. One of the few drawbacks of grilling with charcoal is that it presents a steep learning curve. But once you learn it, it is a pleasure you never want to substitute.
  4. Compared to other barbeque grills, charcoal barbeques are cost-friendly. Other types of grills, for example, the gas grills, range between a few hundred dollars to almost $1000. You can get a perfectly serviceable charcoal grill for just tens of dollars. The fuel that goes in is affordable as well. It is even possible to use discarded bits of wood or even briquettes made from organic material.
  5. You can pack your charcoal barbecue in the back of your car and take it anywhere. Gas and electric grills need to be fixed near a fuel source. But you can set up a charcoal barbecue anywhere- on the beach, a friend’s backyard, in the park, and almost anywhere.
  6. The charcoal barbecue is easy to set up, maintain, repair, and clean. You can even build one yourself if you are a DIY enthusiast. To clean the grill, heat it very hot. That ought to burn down the debris. You can then use a wire brush to scrub off the residue. 
  7. Cooking with charcoal helps retain nutrients like thiamine and riboflavin. A charcoal grill also gives your food those lovely char marks that look great in photos.  

Pro Tips

  1. Lighter fluid will give your food a terrible taste and smell. Please don’t use it for lighting your charcoal. Choose a lighting option that does not linger on the charcoal.
  2. To get the smokey flavour, add suitable wood to the charcoal so that it burns together. 
  3. Do not dump your ashes immediately after cooking. It may hide live embers, which can easily set fire when exposed to air. Let the ashes cool in the grill for at least a day.
  4. Cook large meats on indirect heat; otherwise, it will burn before adequately cooked through. The trick is cooking the meat on the cooler side of the grill, helping it cook on the inside. Collect the hot embers to one side to create the cooler zone.


Charcoal barbeques are popular because of the several advantages they have over other barbequing methods. Consider trying it out so that you don’t miss out on the fun.

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Tips For The Perfect Charcoal Barbeque

Top Reasons You Should Use A Charcoal Bbq