Is It True That Your Hair Thins As You Get Older? What Can You Do?


Getting old has its pros and cons. The pros are that you’re a lot wiser, more mature, and responsible. Well some of us are anyway. The cons are that your body slowly start to decay and it’s more important to take good care of it so it will last the duration of your life. Your hair is no different.

As you get older, your beautiful locks will slowly get thinner and lighter in colour. This may not be the case for everyone, but a majority of people suffer from thinning hair as they get older. It’s part and parcel with getting old and it’s just a fact of life – so you’re just going to have to buck up and deal with it.

Think of it as a sign of wisdom if that makes you feel better.  Luckily there are steps to take to rejuvenate your hair and make it appear thick, luscious and beautiful. This post is dedicated to the golden oldies (and not so oldies!) with thinning hair. We will go into some tricks and tips to keep your hair from looking thin and lifeless.

It’s All About Volume

As we age, our hair falls out and the strands themselves get thinner. This is where volumising shampoo and conditioner come into play. Use a good quality volumising shampoo and conditioner a few times a week to restore some body and bounce to your lacklustre locks. It’s not a cure, but more of cosmetic treatment that will make your hair look like it’s not thinning and make you appear less old. Volumising powder once it’s dry can give you extra oomph.

Be Kind to Your Hair

You’re not a spring chicken anymore and it’s time to start treating yourself better and that includes your hair. Steer clear of hair products such as dyes that are going to damage your hair even further and make it eventually fallout. You should be past the stage of dying your hair a different colour every week anyway. If you must dye your hair use a natural dye that doesn’t contain the nasties that will make your hair fall out. That’s maybe why you’re in the predicament you are in the first place!

Try to avoid heat straightening your hair as it has a negative effect on your locks. It puts stress on the hair and will do more harm than good. If you need to straighten your hair, try brushing before you wash it and then after again. It takes a little longer but is a far healthier option.

Natural Remedies and Hair Mask

Make sure you’re getting the right dietary intake of all the essential vitamins and minerals. A, D, B vitamins are all essential for hair growth so get on top it and get some blood work at the doctor to see if you’re lacking. If you are, then it’s time go to the pharmacy and get some supplements. Of course, the food you eat should also be modified so you’re getting all the nutrients you need.

Calendula is a natural plant that can be used in salads and is said to be really good for your hair and scalp. Parsley is another herb that will have your hair looking lush as it contains vitamins and antioxidants that produce keratin which increases collagen production and blood circulation which promotes healthy hair growth.

Natural hair masks are a great way of rejuvenating your hair in the safest way possible. There are a wealth of choices available online so do some Google research and find the one that works best for you. These are a great way to moisturise your hair and scalp which will be beneficial in the long run to maintaining what hair you have left. Avocado oil and peppermint is one such remedy that will put the moisture back into your hair and leave it looking fresh and shiny. Most natural oils such as coconut oil are great but always do your research first.


This may sound a bit off topic but exercise is a great solution for many ailments including hair. When you exercise, your heart rate increases, pushing blood around the body and increasing circulation. This is great for promoting healthy skin and that includes the scalp. In other words, treat your body like a temple and it will repay you by looking it’s best.

Wigs and Treatment

Wigs and treatment will probably be the last resort if nothing else works. But please try everything else on the list first. Treatment can be costly and sometimes it looks worse than having old person thin hair anyway. Wigs are annoying and have the tendency to fall off at the wrong time. They are also a pain and add an extra to thing to worry about when you are getting ready for an outing. If you do find some fan-dangle treatment that guarantees super stunning locks, make sure you do your research because there are a lot of charlatans out there on the web.

Try these remedies and hopefully you can pull off something that will make your hair look dazzling. If not, grow old with dignity and accept. It’s a sign of wisdom.


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