How to Take Care of Your Hair in Winter

How to Take Care of Your Hair in Winter

Sometimes, the cold temperatures experienced during winter can be unbearable – you contract cold, snow is everywhere, and even worse, your hair gets affected.

If you want to keep your hair in excellent condition during bleak months, here are some of the steps you need to follow.

Keep Your Home Warm

It is essential to keep your house warm during winter. This is because cold not only makes you susceptible to flu, but it also affects your hair. Extreme temperatures also affect your skin and your scalp.

Avoid Hot Showers

Most people understandably take hot showers during winter. Although it helps in combatting the cold, hot water is not suitable for your hair and skin. Most hair stylist’s advice against this because the high temperature causes dehydration. This is why you should not turn up the shower when it is cold outside.

Minimise Hair Washing

Some people like shampooing their hair often. If you happen to be one of them, it would be best if you limited your sessions to once weekly. This is because the frequent application of shampoo makes your hair dry.

Oil Your Hair

Hair and scalp irritation tends to surge during winter since the scalp dries up, and you become more susceptible to hair fall. You might have a hectic schedule, but it is essential to keep your scalp moisturised. The best way to do this is by applying either coconut or olive oil. After this, it would help if you rinsed your hair with shampoo and a hair conditioner.

Add Your Conditioner

Every time you apply your shampoo, you should add a hair conditioner. In winter, you must shampoo and add hair treatment on top, especially if you live in cold regions.

Dry Hair Correctly

During winter, you should minimise the use of your blow dryer. Although it can help in styling your hair, using this machine can make your hair and scalp dry. If you want to keep your hair dry, it will help if you used heat protection.

Trim Your Hair Regularly

Regardless of whether you have short or long hair, cold temperatures can make it dry and brittle, especially at the ends—the only proven way to avoid this issue is by trimming your hair regularly from nearby hair salon in Sydney or by yourself .

Wear a Hat

Hats not only make you look fresh and keep warm, but they also protect you from windy conditions that frequently occur during the cold months. However, you should pick a hat that matches your style, particularly if you care about fashion.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating healthy is a guaranteed method of keeping your hair and scalp in an excellent condition. Besides consuming a healthy diet, it is essential to drink a lot of water since hydration contributes to keeping your hair well-nourished.


Maintaining the condition of your hair can be tricky, especially during the cold months in the winter. The tips mentioned above can help you in achieving this, but the trick lies in keeping the right hair care routine.

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