How to Choose a Good Body Corporate Manager

Body Corporate Manager

A corporate body manager is tasked with the running of a strata or owners’ corporation. The body corporate manager plays an essential role in handling the daily aspects involving the care and maintenance of a particular living community. Ownership of a lot is demanding; that is why good corporate management services are essential, making a good body corporate manager valuable. So how do you get a good manager?

Usually, an owners’ corporation will submit a request for proposal (RFP) to various body corporations. When these are received, they will assess the responses and choose a provider that will best serve their strata communities. Just a few factors you need to consider when selecting a good corporate manager.

·        Strata Service Levels

There are a lot of managerial tasks required to maintain a strata property such as organising meetings, collecting and handling levies, organising maintenance and construction activities, among others. A good body corporate manager should handle every necessary process efficiently.

Strata managers must be well qualified to dealing with matters in different circumstances, whether they are apartments or townhouses daily. This is why the manager you hire must have had appropriate and adequate exposure to dealing with different types of strata properties.

·        Transparency in Service

Since your manager will be handling levies, he should be trustworthy enough to maintain a trust account and to manage all your finances. Organising financial statements for taxes should be done with integrity; otherwise, they could ruin your corporation later on.

The manager needs to make sure they are held accountable to agreed service levels. These are typically negotiated by the parties and involve activities like; mailing notices to owners in a particular format, keeping the common property clean and tidy, renewing insurance policies on time, liaising with owners professionally, and directing the building manager to carry out works.

·        Dissemination of Information

Strata managers deal with access to legal documentation, contracts, insurance information, financial documents, and more. All these should be readily available anytime it is needed. A good manager sets up an online portal where such information can be accessed readily, which is beneficial to strata management.

The online system provides financial reporting capabilities, meeting attendance records, maintenance issue summaries, and much more. This helps owners understand and analyse information to help make good discussions and decisions.

·        Effective Communication

There needs to be regular communication among owners and the strata company to coordinate construction and repairs or settle disputes within the community. Corporate managers organise a meeting to make significant decisions and resolve conflicts and get everyone on the same page.

For a good manager, responding to emails and phone calls on time, providing help when required and dedicating their time to ensure they make your job easier are key.

·        Access to Contractor Directory

Experienced strata services often have relationships with contacts that are vetted. These contractors and other tradespeople can be relied on to provide high-quality and affordably priced work. Managers need to have connections like these, especially those that come after hours or in the case of an emergency which can be very convenient.


Quality body corporate management services are essential for the smooth running of a strata. Ensure the service provider you choose has committed to documenting the terms discussed in a clear ad comprehensive manner. Body corporate Managers promote improvement opportunities and provide innovative solutions, as well. They offer benefits that can save you time, money, and stress over the long run.

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