Essential Items for a Travel First Aid Kit

Essential Items for a Travel First Aid Kit

One of the best ways to keep safe during a trip is to ensure that you pack a travel first aid kit along with you. This might seem like such a small task, but it has saved so many people from several travel-related hazards.

Travel first aid kits are not like regular first aid kits mostly because they need to be portable enough to be moved around without taking up most of your luggage space. This means that you need to ensure that your travel first aid kits should only contain essential items when you are putting it together. Here are some essential travel items for a first aid kit;

Antiseptic Wipes

Before treating and injury, the first step is to kill off any harmful bacteria that could infect the wound by cleaning it properly with an antiseptic wipe. This will prevent the wound from infection before it is properly dressed and ensure a smooth healing process.

Plaster and Bandages

Bruises and cuts are some of the most frequent types of injuries you can experience while travelling. If your body isn’t accustomed to the rigours of typical travels, then it might also be a great idea to pack some blister plasters. A few of each type of plaster will do.

Surgical Tape

This item helps you to attach a gauze or a bandage to a wound easily and can serve as an excellent alternative to plaster for this same purpose. So, you might want to pack a few on your trip as it will likely come in handy when there is a wound that needs to be treated.


A gauze is a medical essential that should be stocked up in every first aid kit. A gauze is needed because its applications are so numerous that there are very few injuries that would not require the use of gauze. This item can be used to stop bleeding, apply pressure to a wound, dress a wound and even to clean it up.


This item makes it easy to treat splinters and removing external objects while treating a wound. These and its many other practical uses make it a very useful item for your travel first aid kit.

Crepe Bandages

These bandages are meant for injuries which are bigger than a cut and are meant to keep you safe until you can access proper medical attention. Crepe bandages are only required during emergencies, so you will not need too many of them on a trip, just one or two should be fine.

Small Scissors

Small scissors are useful for cutting plasters, gauzes and bandages to size when treating wounds.

Pain Relief Tablets

For this, basic pain killers tablets are fine. An injured person would likely be needing pain killers to help ease the pain before proper medical attention. It is also very likely that you would be eating a lot of foreign food while travelling, and the loperamide tablets should help you deal with most issues related to diarrhea. Just make sure they are not allergic.

Before you purchase a travel first aid kit, you need to ensure that it has all these items in place to ensure the safety of you and your travel companions at all times. Once these items are in place, you would be prepared for most kinds of travel-related injuries that could likely happen.