Why Industrial Filtration is so important


Filtration is the act of extracting solid impurities from gases or liquids. The process is straightforward, like straining cooking pasta or complex as water purification for use in a city. Filtration is such a necessary process that many industrial processes apply it in their daily functions. This is enabled by the right filtration equipment that ensures the process goes on seamlessly. Here are the reasons why it is essential to carry out industrial filtration. 

Protection of Equipment

The filtration process in industrial manufacturing aids in the protection ofcostly and complex machinery. Residue particles need to be removed from the machinery to avoid damaging them. Damaged industrial equipment can cause system breakdowns in the plant. Particles that remain in pipes can corrode the metal; they may facilitate a malfunction that in the end cost the company in replacements and repairs.

Water Purification

It is essential to filter industrial or commercial process wastewater to make it suitable for reuse. Before wastewater is pumped out, it needs filtration since it contains high levels of suspended solids. Water from industries such as refineries, textile, food or beverage industries undergoes various treatment and filtration steps to meet the required standard for reuse or discharge. Also, filtration, when treating water reduces operating costs on water treatment systems located downstream. 

Water for domestic and industrial use cannot be used in its original state as it is in the water source. It has to be filtered to remove debris, soil, leaves, and other foreign substances it might have come into contact. If water is released in pipes while containing the unfiltered substances, not only will it be hazardous to health but also damage the pipes. Therefore, sludge dewatering is vital to get rid of soil and other substances in the water as it comes from its source. 

Oil Refining

When petroleum is extracted from the ground, it does not go directly to the petrol station for use in your car. It undergoes filtration to rid it of impurities that can harm your car engine. When the oil is extracted from the ground, it is mixed with debris and sand. Therefore, perforated tubes are placed at the source to remove the particles before the oil reaches the refinery. 

The gasoline that you end up buying for your vehicle goes through several filtration processes to extract it from petroleum. Using filtered gas that is clean and having regular oil filter changes will ensure that your vehicle lasts and does not experience engine trouble often. 


Industrial filtration prevents health hazards that may be caused by cross-contamination of food. Also, it is a requirement for companies to have functioning filtration equipment as a way of compliance with safety and quality standards set by health agencies.

In the pharmaceutical industry, air filtration is important as it rids the air of contaminants that can render drugs ineffective or affect their effectiveness. If the contaminants get into the drugs undetected, they can pose a health risk to the drug users. It is for this purpose that quality filters are used in a medicine manufacturing plant to avoid such incidences.

In conclusion, industrial filtration is vital as it protects equipment and also ensures that the environment is free of harmful substances. Wastewater treatment systems also filter the water before releasing it into sewers or recycling plants.

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Why Industrial Filtration Is So Important

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