5 of the Easiest Plants to Grow for Your Pergola or Patio Area


If you do not have a large backyard or garden outside your house, it can be challenging to grow an array of plants and flowers. However, having limited space is not an excuse to avoid a little gardening and get your hands dirty. Several plants can do well in compact spaces, such as your patio or pergola.

If you are looking for plants to grow in your patio without a hassle, here are some brilliant options to get you started.


For somebody unfamiliar, it can be difficult to believe that a plant with a romantic charm as lavender can withstand harsh conditions. It has silvery foliage and deep purple-blue that make your patio more attractive the moment you glance at them.

The best place to plant the lavender is next to seating areas since running your hands through its flowers releases a pleasant fragrance. Keep in mind that lavenders require the full sun, so avoid placing them under a shade. They also tend to overgrow, meaning that you will need to prune them occasionally.


Your patio is an excellent place to grow herbs that you can snip off and use to add spice to your meals. If you get a lot of sunlight, consider planting basil, which is available in variations such as Genovese, Italian, purple, and Thai. You could also grow Rosemary if you do not want a fussy experience.

If your pergola has lots of shade, go for cilantro, parsley and thyme.


Another resilient patio plant is Verbena. It can withstand hot summer temperatures without wilting and keep blooming throughout the year. It comes in multiple colours, including deep and pure shades of blue, pink, purple, salmon, and while.

The ideal spot to grow Verbena is in hanging baskets because it looks incredible when its branches spillover. Once the branches become one too many, trim lightly to encourage branching and the budding of more flowers.


Calibrachoa is a low-maintenance plant that resembles petunias although they are not the same species. They grow best in pots because they need soil with excellent drainage. For this reason, make sure that your containers have holes at the bottom. They are available in a stunning array of colours and add pomp to your patio garden. They need full sun to flourish.


Besides being colourful, bougainvillea is known for its hardiness, meaning that it blooms across all seasons. This climbing plant will add beauty to your outdoor space, as it comes in red, hot pink, orange, and even white colour options. If space allows, consider planting the different variations. Bougainvillea grows rapidly, and you can plant in pots and shape it in a way that it matures along with the door to your patio garden.


Plants are a magical addition to any outdoor space. They improve the quality of human life, purify the air, and more importantly, add an aesthetic appeal to your backyard. Many people are often reluctant to get into the garden because of the misconception that it is a tedious and time-consuming activity. However, the plants listed above are hardy and require little maintenance. If you happen to have a busy schedule, consider planting them to add life to your bland backyard.

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