Simple Ways to Make Your Lounge Space Look Luxurious

lounge space

We all need and deserve to live in comfort, tranquillity, and luxury. Unfortunately, we may not always afford the newest and shiniest pieces of furniture, accessories, art, and appliances. Besides, decorations can be costly. For this reason, here are simple tips to spruce up your lounge without breaking the bank.


Invest in Decorative Molding

This is one of the cost-effective ways of transforming your living room. If you have some time on your hands and a set of skills, you can DIY this decoration. Even if you hire a professional, the result will be worth the investment. Make tasteful mouldings around walls, window sills, and other surfaces that come in rectangular or square shapes. Use the same colour on each surface to paint the moulding and achieve a sophisticated look.


Display Antique Items

Antique items such as furniture, mirrors, cabinets and wall art exude the sense of history, wisdom, and mindfulness. Displaying them in your lounge area makes your home feel and look sophisticated. You do not have to buy too many of them. In fact, grab a few items of antiquity from thrift shops or accept donations from homeowners who are either relocating or downsizing. These will appear as if you spent a fortune on decorating the house. 

Introduce Curvy Shapes

Your lounge space perhaps looks dull or flat because of too many items with straight-lined shapes. Curved shapes, on the other hand, bring interest and depth to the room. Items such as curved furniture, round mirrors, lamps, and framed wall paintings introduce this air of freshness, opulence, and luxury that was lacking in the past. 

Use Luxurious Curtains

Treat your window to new designs of curtains that look custom-made. These are not necessarily expensive but are bespoke. They can turn a plain-looking room into a sophisticated one. Ensure that they fit perfectly and that they match the décor of the house; such as paint, pieces of art, paintings and flooring. 

Add Items Made of Metal

Items made of shiny metal are handy to make a room feel and look luxurious. Examples of these are a brass table, vintage silver utensils, and a gold-coloured mirror. Well, they may not be enough to make your house look like that of Donald Trump. However, they will inject an air of expansiveness, richness, and stylishness. 

Bring Fresh Plants and Flowers

The natural world is full of eye-catching beauty of flora and fauna. When carefully selected, you can introduce this organic beauty into your home without spending a dime. Fresh flowers, for example, add colour and vitality into your room. Climbing plants make it look like you have been living in that house for centuries. Design a couple of tasteful pots from recycled containers to complete the beauty. If you have the budget, invest in a miniature aquarium with exotic fish species. This not only adds luxury but also shows your love and admiration for animals.


Invest in Dimmer Switches

Dim lighting in a room has a sense of great character. Alternatively, use coloured light fixtures such as bulbs and chandeliers. When you light the room up, it exudes an air of sophistication. Everything in the house looks different when the light of different colours shines on it. Modern lighting systems allow you to configure the light so that they display different colours interchangeably.

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