All About Lopi Cape Cod Freestanding Wood Fireplace


Keeping your home warm in the winter is not as challenging in Australia as it is in the Northern Hemisphere. The winter temperatures down under rarely get down to single digits, while summer gets well over 300C. As such, most houses are built to protect against extreme heat rather than cold. In simple terms, this means that although you may not need an air conditioner in summer, you will probably need to invest in a right heater for the winter. On the bright side, since you are not dealing with subzero temperatures, you will not need a super hi-tech heater.

There are various types of space heaters available in the Aussie market, and several factors come into play when making your choice. Factors such as the type of fuel, size, efficiency, and building regulations can affect the type of burner you choose. If you have reliable access to wood fuel, you may want to consider getting a freestanding wood fireplace or stove.


What Is a Freestanding Wood Fireplace

A freestanding wood fireplace is a type of wood burner that is not installed directly into a fireplace but stands alone. This kind of wood burner is usually built from a metal box that conducts heat to warm the room. This construction makes the freestanding wood heaters comparable in efficiency with gas, or electric heaters while using a fraction of the energy costs.


Advantages of Freestanding Wood Fireplace

When choosing the kind of heater, you would like to use in your home this winter, you should compare all your options and consider the advantages they offer. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for space heaters, especially with the vast disparity in home designs today. Here are some of the benefits of using a freestanding wood fireplace.


Energy Efficiency

Unlike other wood burners, freestanding heaters and stoves have a high heat output reaching efficiencies of between 82% and 90%. In the past woodstoves were discredited for losing heat to the environment rather than channelling it to the pot for their cooking function. This led to the construction of insulated brick stoves that limit unwanted heat losses. In contrast, this is a significant advantage for wood burners used as space heaters.

Freestanding wood burners have legs or pedestals separating the base of the burner from the floor. This not only allows for excellent ventilation but also creates a larger surface area for heat to be dissipated around the room.


Aesthetic Value

Many wood stove designers today are recognising the value of combining functionality and aesthetics in their products. The blend of classy designs and robust materials make modern freestanding fireplaces some of the most iconic additions to your living space. A well-designed wood burner can accentuate your lounge and act as a centrepiece adding value to your home even in the warmer months.


Renewable Fuel Source

With the increasing awareness of climate change, many people are trying to cut down on things that have a negative impact on the environment. Going green has many faces and using renewable energy sources in one of them.

Modern freestanding fireplaces are rated as high-efficiency burners and are powered by a renewable fuel source. This means that heating your room with this kind of space heater is not hazardous to the environment.

Freestanding wood fireplaces are fairly easy to install and seldom need you to make any alterations to your home. However, the performance of a freestanding space heater depends largely on the brand’s quality. Take time to look closely into the designs, testimonials and recommendations given about the fireplaces before making a final decision.


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